Saturday, 28 February 2009

My new big TV

I saw that big screen TV at the local electronics store, and I fell in love. It had so many inches that I can not even remember how many. I have to buy it, I said to myself, looking at the TV from now on will be like looking through the window to a world in real scale. At that time I could not even image the ruin that love affair would cause to my life.

I went home, I prepared a space in my living room for the big TV, the price would be no problem, I can pay it in comfortable monthly instalments, just a couple of hundreds a month for a year or so, what is that, nothing really. I was ready to go to the store when I realized, that the TV will never fit in my car. How could I not have thought about that before? I wanted to have the big window to the world but I was living in a small world on my own, how could I be so blind that I did not think about that before. I rush to the car dealer and saw a big SUV of the right size for my new life, I did not have the money to pay for it, but asking for credit was so easy. I got the credit and I got the car and I drove straight to the electronics shop to pick my new TV. I know that you can get the TV delivered to your place, but my life was growing from that of a small man in a small world to a big sized life and during these processes you have to do the things by yourself.

I went home and with some help from my neighbour I got my TV installed in the living room. It was only then that I realized that there was something that did not fit. The living room was too small for such a big TV, I tried to rearrange the furniture to get better angles, but nothing I tried would work. Damm! I need a bigger living room - I thought. Well, after all were not all my acquaintances moving into bigger houses? It was even an investment, they all said. So there I was, moving into a better neighbourhood, what a house, the perfect setting for my new TV... how good did my car look parked outside. Finally my life had gone bigger. And how easy it was, just ask for credit, buy the house on a mortgage and a few months later I was even able to re-mortgage the house which left me with some cash for a very nice holiday. After all that had been a period of changes and I needed some rest.

I have no house now, I have lost my TV and my car, I owe money to a bank that is not even the bank that lent it to me (that one has disappeared). I am writing this from an Internet Cafe, listening to aged New Age music and wondering if any of my friends will give me shelter for another week... the problem is that they all live in these little apartments with almost no free space, small like the one I once had.